
Translations into Spanish
B 15:2011 | OIML Strategy | CEM (Spain) |
D 1:2020 | National metrology systems – Developing the institutional and legislative framework | NC (Cuba) |
D 10:2022 | ILAC-G24/OIML D 10: Guidelines for the determination of recalibration intervals of measuring equipment | NC (Cuba) |
D 31:2008 | General requirements for software controlled measuring instruments | CEM (Spain) |
G 14:2011 | Density measurement | SIC (Colombia) |
R 7:1979 | Clinical thermometers, mercury-in-glass with maximum device | SIC (Colombia) |
R 21:2007 | Taximeters. Metrological and technical requirements, test procedures and test report format | SIC (Colombia) |
R 46-1/-2:2012 | Active electrical energy meters. Parts 1 & 2 | SIC (Colombia) |
R 46-3:2013 | Active electrical energy meters. Part 3 | SIC (Colombia) |
R 49-1:2013 | Water meters for cold potable water and hot water. Part 1 | SIC (Colombia) |
R 49-2:2013 | Water meters for cold potable water and hot water. Part 2 | SIC (Colombia) |
R 49-3:2013 | Water meters for cold potable water and hot water. Part 3 | SIC (Colombia) |
R 79:2015 | Labeling requirements for prepackages | SIC (Colombia) |
R 87:2016 | Quantity of product in prepackages | SIC (Colombia) |
R 91:1990 | Radar equipment for the measurement of the speed of vehicles | SIC (Colombia) |
R 117-1:2007 | Dynamic measuring systems for liquids other than water | SIC (Colombia) |
R 126:2012 | Evidential breath analyzers | SIC (Colombia) |
R 126-erratum:2012 | Evidential breath analyzers (Erratum) | SIC (Colombia) |