Benefits of OIML membership

Countries which participate in the OIML are able to influence the work of the Organization

Members may participate in the definition of priorities for the OIML's technical work, highlighting the specific needs of their country or region. This ensures that OIML publications are relevant to the needs of all of its Members, avoiding the development of requirements specifically addressing certain countries’ needs
Participating in OIML work allows Members to receive up-to-date information from other participants concerning new technologies, ways to assess the conformity of instruments, solutions found in other countries to answer specific problems, good practices in legal metrology, experience in the organization of legal metrology activities in different countries, etc.
This participation and the continuous exchange of information allows Members to establish direct communication with other countries’ experts, to better know each other, and to develop mutual confidence.
Members may influence the OIML's policy, and provide input to the OIML Strategy, so that their needs are taken into account in the Organization's work. The Strategy deals with the general policy of the Organization, as well as with the support the OIML offers to the national legal metrology authorities of all its Members, and specifically those in developing countries.
Members can benefit from participation in the OIML Certification System (OIML-CS). This system allows OIML Certificates and/or OIML type evaluation reports issued by OIML Issuing Authorities in OIML Member States to be accepted by other participants as the basis for issuing national or regional type approvals for several commonly regulated categories of measuring instrument. Participating OIML Members can thus confidently issue national type approval certificates without the need for expensive test facilities by relying on results issued where such laboratories exist.