Information for manufacturers

This page provides information to manufacturers on obtaining and using OIML-CS certificates

For instrument manufacturers who are required to obtain type approval, the OIML-CS may provide evidence that their instrument type complies with the requirements of the relevant OIML Recommendations, thus avoiding duplication of type approval tests in different countries.
The categories of measuring instrument that are included in the OIML-CS can be found here. To obtain an OIML-CS certificate and an associated OIML type evaluation report for a category of measuring instrument a manufacturer will need to apply to an approved OIML Issuing Authority that is approved for the relevant category of measuring instrument. The OIML Issuing Authority will provide information regarding the process, timescales and costs for issuing an OIML-CS certificate and associated OIML type evaluation report.
Information on the processing of an OIML certificate and the associated OIML type evaluation report can be found in OIML-CS Procedural Document PD-05.