MoU between ILAC, IAF and the OIML
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The OIML has drawn up systems to facilitate cooperation between its Members, notably concerning the recognition of Test Reports between them.
In 1991, the OIML set up the Basic Certificate System for type evaluation of measuring instruments. The Basic System allowed national Issuing Authorities, which were designated by the OIML representatives in the various Member States, to issue OIML Certificates of Conformity based on measuring instrument testing according to the relevant OIML Recommendations.
In 2005, the OIML established its Mutual Acceptance Arrangement (MAA) which strengthened confidence in national testing results by setting up an assessment of national Testing Laboratories responsible for type evaluation of measuring instruments. These Testing Laboratories were assessed either by accreditation or by peer assessment, using the criteria laid down in ISO/IEC 17025.
On 1 January 2018, the Basic Certificate System and the MAA were replaced by a new OIML Certification System (OIML-CS). The OIML-CS is a system for issuing, registering and using OIML Certificates and their associated OIML type evaluation/test reports for types of measuring instruments (including families of measuring instruments, modules, or families of modules), based on the requirements of OIML Recommendations.
Setting up the OIML-CS has contributed to reinforcing the existing cooperation with ILAC and the IAF.
Existing cooperation with ILAC
Existing cooperation increased thanks to the OIML MAA. This has increased further following the implementation and launch of the OIML-CS. Under the OIML-CS, the evaluation of the competence of the Test Laboratories under Scheme A shall be demonstrated by accreditation or peer assessment. Where accreditation is chosen, the accreditation body that carries out an assessment of a Test Laboratory under Scheme A shall be a signatory to the ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) or to a regional arrangement recognized by ILAC for the scope of “testing ISO/IEC 17025”. For peer assessment, the assessment team shall comprise Management System Experts (team leaders) and Legal Metrology Experts from the ILAC-IAF-OIML list of experts.
The MoU between ILAC and the OIML (originally signed on 12 November 2006 and revised in 2010 and 2014) covers shared interpretations of common technical issues (e.g. assessments according to ISO/IEC 17025) and shared use of experts (validated by the OIML-CS Management Committee) and team leaders (either from National Accreditation Bodies (ILAC MRA signatories), or those validated by the OIML-CS Management Committee).
The OIML has published a Guide for the application of ISO/IEC 17025 to legal metrology (OIML D 30:2008) to support the assessment of testing laboratories. There is an active project under OIML TC 3/SC 5 to revise this document to align it with ISO/IEC 17025:2017.
Extension to the IAF
Under the OIML MAA, the evaluation of the competence of Issuing Participants was only required in terms of a self-declaration. However, under the OIML-CS the OIML Issuing Authority shall demonstrate compliance with ISO/IEC 17065. Under Scheme B, compliance can still be demonstrated through self-declaration. However, for participation under Scheme A compliance shall be demonstrated through accreditation or peer assessment.
Where accreditation is chosen, the accreditation body that carries out an assessment of an OIML Issuing Authority shall be an IAF Full Member signatory to the IAF Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (MLA) or to a regional arrangement recognized by the IAF, for the scope of “Product - ISO/IEC 17065”. For peer assessment, the assessment team shall comprise Management System Experts (team leaders) and Legal Metrology Experts from the ILAC-IAF-OIML list of experts.
The OIML has published a Guide to the application of ISO/IEC 17065 to the assessment of certification bodies in legal metrology (OIML D 32:2018) to support the assessment of certification bodies.
Cooperation between the IAF and the OIML has been developed, similar to that between ILAC and the OIML, and includes shared interpretation of appropriate ISO/IEC standards and development of OIML training for assessors of national accreditation bodies, signatories of the IAF Product MLA, who will be responsible for accrediting, in the field of legal metrology, product certification bodies, inspection bodies and bodies providing audit and certification of management systems.
The 2007 MoU, including its extension to include the IAF, was signed by Mr Daniel Pierre (ILAC Chair), Mr Thomas Facklam (IAF Chair) and Mr Alan Johnston (CIML President) on 28 October 2007 during the ILAC/IAF General Assembly held in Sydney (see photo).
Mr Thomas Facklam (IAF Chair)
Mr Alan Johnston (CIML President, 2006-2011)
Mr Daniel Pierre (ILAC Chair)
2010 Renewal of the MoU
The 2010 MoU replaces the one from 2007 and has been slightly revised. A note was added to clarify when “legal metrology” is considered to be included in the scope of accreditation.
The new MoU was signed on 28 October 2010 during the ILAC/IAF Joint General Assembly in Shanghai (see photo).
Mr Daniel Pierre (ILAC Chair)
Mr Alan Johnston (CIML President, 2006-2011)
Mr Randy Dougherty (IAF Chair)
2014 Renewal of the MoU
On 16 October 2014 at the IAF-ILAC Joint General Assembly, held in Vancouver, Canada, a renewed MoU was signed by Mr Peter Unger (ILAC Chair), Mr Randy Dougherty (IAF Chair) and Mr Peter Mason (CIML President). Compared to the 2010 version of the MoU, the amendments to the text are of an editorial nature. References to standards have been updated and the review period has been extended from three to five years.
Mr Randy Dougherty (IAF Chair)
Mr Peter Mason (CIML President)
Mr Peter Unger (ILAC Chair)
2018 Renewal of the MoU
On 10 October 2018 at the 53rd CIML Meeting, held in Hamburg, Germany, a renewed MoU was signed by Ms. Merih Malmqvist Nilsson (ILAC Chair), Mr Xiao Jianhua (IAF Chair) and Dr Roman Schwartz (CIML President).
The updates in the renewed MoU are mainly editorial in nature, most notably to address the OIML Certification System (OIML-CS) and to consolidate some parts of the existing text. In addition, there is an update to bring the MoU into line with ISO/IEC 17011:2017, with new text also included to confirm that the MoU does not confer any legal relationship between the three organizations.
Download the renewed MoU as a PDF file:
Dr Roman Schwartz (CIML President)
Mr Xiao Jianhua (IAF Chair)
Ms. Merih Malmqvist Nilsson (ILAC Chair)
Photo: PTB, October 2018
2024 Renewal of the MoU
On 8 February 2024, a renewed MoU was signed by Etty Feller (ILAC Chair), Emanuele Riva (IAF Chair) and Bobjoseph Mathew (CIML President).
The renewed MoU supersedes the MoU signed in October 2018 and it is intended to build on and enhance the long-standing relationships and excellent cooperation between the IAF, ILAC and the OIML. It contains improvements to the Articles associated with the implementation of the MoU through the appointment of Liaison Officers and the communication of information of relevance to areas of cooperation.
Download the renewed MoU as a PDF file: