RLMO RT 2021-09-30

The 2021 meeting of the Regional Legal Metrology Organisation Round Table (RLMO RT)
took place online on Thursday, 30 September 2021 from 10:00–14:00 UTC.
(Click the links to download the presentations)
1. Welcome by the RLMO RT Chairperson (Dr Charles Ehrlich)
2. Roll call
3. Update from the Round Table Chairperson
4. Overview of the main 2021 RLMO discussion topic (Digitalization and ‘Smart Meters’)
5. Updates from the RLMOs
- AFRIMETS (Mr Jaco Marneweck)
- APLMF (Dr Osman Zakaria)
- COOMET (Dr Yuriy Kuzmenko)
- GULFMET (Eng. Omar Kanakrieh)
- SIM (Mr Pedro Pérez Vargas)
- WELMEC (Dr Pavel Klenovský)
6. Update from the CEEMS AG Chairperson (Mr Peter Mason)
7. Update from the OIML-CS Executive Secretary (Mr Paul Dixon)
8. Special Session: Regulation of ‘Smart Meters’
9. Open Forum on the 2021 RLMO discussion topic
10. Future collaborations
11. Conclusions
12. Any other business
List of RLMOs
- AFRIMETS (Intra-Africa Metrology System)
- APLMF (Asia-Pacific Legal Metrology Forum)
- COOMET (Euro-Asian Cooperation of National Metrological Institutions)
- GULFMET (Gulf Association for Metrology)
- SIM (The Inter-American Metrology System)
- WELMEC (European Cooperation in Legal Metrology)
Guest RLMO
- SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation)
2021 RLMO discussion topic
How is your RLMO approaching ‘digitalization’ pertaining to measuring instruments in your region?