OIML Training Centers and Training Events

A number of OIML Training Center (OTC) and OIML Training Events (OTE) have been organized. Click the entries in the blocks below to see each event.
A number of OIML Training Center (OTC) and OIML Training Events (OTE) have been organized. Click the entries in the blocks below to see each event.
This OIML/APLMF Seminar on the OIML-CS was part of the MEDEA Project, supported by the PTB, in partnership with the OIML OTC (15–17 July 2019, Hangzhou, P.R. China)...
The OPTC, located on the Changping Campus of the National Institute of Metrology, China, was officially opened on 18 July 2016...
A Legal Metrology Management System Seminar, organized by AQSIQ and the OIML, was held on 9–11 August 2016 in Guangzhou, P.R. China...
This OIML Pilot Training Center (OPTC) event, the “OIML/APLMF Training Course on Prepackaged Goods”, was held in Nanning, Guangxi, P.R. China from 10–13 April, 2018...
This Workshop was designed to provide training on the control of prepackaged products on the basis of OIML R 87 and R 79 (5–7 June 2018 - Havana, Cuba)...