Digital Transformation in Legal Metrology

The OIML and the PTB organised a Webinar on Digital Transformation in Legal Metrology on 5 May 2021. The event explored contemporary challenges, opportunities and solutions regarding digitalisation in legal metrology and especially provided a platform for the exchange of strategies, concepts and first steps towards realisations. The Webinar was chaired by Dr Florian Thiel (PTB Germany), Convener of WELMEC Working Group 7 Software.
Webinar video:
Download the presentations as a PDF file:
Digital technologies have matured significantly over the past ten years - namely Embedded Systems, the Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud Computing, Blockchain and Big-Data concepts. These have facilitated completely new technology fields and data-driven markets such as the industrial internet, Industry 4.0, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence-based Smart Services provided by digital platforms.
These technology and data-driven possibilities, together with concepts for digital platforms, can be exploited for the benefit of all stakeholders in legal metrology, e.g. to overcome barriers to innovation set up by regulations, better coordinate legal processes, reduce development costs, and reduce the time to market of new products.
The time is now right for all stakeholders in legal metrology to come together to discuss the challenges and opportunities that digitalisation brings. The Webinar brought together experts from different technical disciplines, as well as representatives from industry, science, testing authorities, notified bodies, and regulatory authorities to discuss and present their visions, solutions and practical digital realisations in the field of legal metrology.
Publication of presentations
Following the Webinar the presentations have been published on the OIML website (see the top of this page).
“Digital Transformation is a Journey not a Destination”
Let’s travel together
Source: pwc