TCs and SCs

The CIML oversees the development of OIML publications

Project Groups (PG) within the OIML's Technical Committees (TC) and Subcommittees (SC) develop the Organization's technical publications
The CIML allocates the secretariats of TCs and SCs, and the convenerships of PGs to Member States.
TCs, SCs and PGs are composed of
- Participating Members (P-Members): Member States willing to participate actively in the work of TCs, SCs or PGs. P-members have voting rights,
- Observer Members (O-Members): Member States which wish to follow the work of TCs, SCs or PGs without voting rights. Corresponding Members may also be O-Members, and
- Liaison Organizations, which are organizations interested in following the work of TCs, SCs or PGs.
After acceptance by a PG, draft publications are submitted to the CIML for approval, where all Member States have voting rights.
Full details of the procedures for OIML technical work can be found in B 6 Directives for OIML technical work.