International Conference

The Conference meets every four years and is composed of representatives of the Member States

The International Conference on Legal Metrology is the highest decision-making body in the Organization. It is composed of representatives of the Member States. In principle one of the members of the delegation should be a representative of the National Legal Metrology Authority.
To see the Conference Resolutions, click here.
In addition, Corresponding Members may attend the Conference as observers, and Organizations in liaison may also be invited to attend as observers.
The Conference meets every four years. Typical decisions of the Conference are
- final approval of the financial accounts of the Organization for the expired financial period,
- adoption of the budget of the Organization and of Member State contributions for the next financial period,
- decisions about debts to be cancelled, written off or about delays to be granted, and
- confirmation (called sanction) of the approval of OIML Recommendations.
For Conference decisions to be valid, the following voting rules apply:
- each Member State has one vote;
- no proxy can be given to other countries;
- quorum: the number of Member States present must be at least two-thirds of the total number of Member States;
- votes cast (other than abstentions): at least four-fifths of the number of Member States present; and
- majority: the decision must be approved by at least four-fifths of the number of votes cast.
Member States are morally obliged to implement the decisions of the Conference (see Article VIII of the OIML Convention).