Emerging Metrology Systems

Introduction to the OIML's activities for Countries and Economies with Emerging Metrology Systems (CEEMS)
The OIML recognizes that the best way to improve legal metrology in an economy is often as part of a coordinated strategy to develop the whole of the economy’s quality infrastructure. This quality infrastructure embraces metrology (scientific, industrial and legal), accreditation and standardization, as well as services such as conformity assessment (certification, testing, verification, and inspection), calibration, and market surveillance.
In 2013, the CIML established an Advisory Group on matters concerning Countries and Economies with Emerging Metrology Systems (CEEMS AG). The objective was to promote CEEMS work by
- enabling the CEEMS community to actively participate in OIML activities,
- developing OIML support policies and plans for CEEMS, and
- providing guidance for the OIML’s activities for CEEMS.
Since this time, the CEEMS AG has continued to contribute new vitality to the OIML. Various CEEMS-oriented training courses and seminars have been organized to promote CEEMS capacity building. Significant achievements have been made, and the work of the CEEMS AG is now one of the pillars of the OIML’s strategy.