Advisory Group on matters of Countries and Economies with Emerging Metrology Systems
The Advisory Group on matters concerning Countries and Economies with Emerging Metrology Systems (CEEMS AG) is a body created by the CIML to provide advice to the OIML on any matter relating to CEEMS. In particular it may
- propose recommendations in respect of OIML policies affecting CEEMS,
- guide and assist CEEMS in establishing and/or improving their national metrological systems,
- explore funding opportunities from OIML Member States and relevant international organizations,
- assist in finding aid resources for CEEMS and assist in the organization of aid activities,
- promote awareness of the role of metrology among the public and governments of CEEMS,
- encourage CEEMS to participate in OIML activities,
- promote the adoption of OIML International Recommendations and Documents in CEEMS,
- propose consultation with and suggestions to Regional Legal Metrology Organizations (RLMOs) in respect of their activities affecting CEEMS,
- investigate the cooperation, intentions and needs of all OIML Member States and economies, especially the needs of CEEMS, and
- advise the CIML on the effectiveness of initiatives undertaken.
In support of this role, the CEEMS AG will perform tasks according to its work plan. These may include, but are not limited to
- launching web pages focused on CEEMS issues on the OIML website, mainly for communication and information exchange;
- organizing a survey of the needs of CEEMS;
- establishing a database of experts available for consulting work;
- collecting and sharing information that will help CEEMS to establish laws and regulations on their national metrology infrastructures;
- organizing the development of guidance and procedures that are based on OIML Recommendations and Documents;
- organizing workshops on chosen subjects;
- strengthening communication with the RLMOs (and RMOs) to collaborate on projects of common interest.
The Advisory Group meets at least once a year, usually in conjunction with a CIML meeting.
Composition of the Group
The Advisory Group consists of:
- a chairperson appointed by the CIML;
- a vice-chairperson, nominated from amongst the Advisory Group members and appointed by the CIML;
- the CIML President and Vice-Presidents (ex officio);
- the Director of the BIML (ex officio);
- the Director of the BIPM (ex officio);
- other CIML Members who volunteer to serve on the Advisory Group;
- a representative nominated by each of the RLMOs; and
- other experts co-opted by the group to serve in a personal capacity.
CEEMS AG Chairperson
The Chairperson:
- coordinates the activities of the CEEMS AG;
- may represent the OIML on matters of developing countries in meetings of other international organizations;
- chairs the meetings of the CEEMS AG; and
- reports on the CEEMS AG’s activities at the CIML meeting.
CEEMS AG Secretariat
The Secretariat:
- organises the meetings of the CEEMS AG;
- prepares meeting minutes to be distributed to CIML Members and, as appropriate, to other participants in the meeting;
- prepares a summary of discussions, decisions and progress of the Advisory Group for distribution to the CIML.
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