INetQI has 12 members:
- BIPM Bureau International des Poids et Mesures
- IAF International Accreditation Forum
- ILAC International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation
- IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
- ISO International Organisation for Standardisation
- ITC International Trade Centre
- ITU International Telecommunications Union
- OIML Organisation Internationale de Métrologie Légale
- UNECE United Nations Commission for Europe
- UNIDO United Nations International Development Organisation
- WBG World Bank Group
- WTO World Trade Organisation
The International Network on Quality Infrastructure (INetQI) is an initiative which seeks to bring together all specialised organisations that operate at an international level and that are active in promoting and implementing Quality Infrastructure activities (metrology, accreditation, standardisation and conformity assessment) as a tool for sustainable economic development.
The members of the INetQI have developed and adopted the following definition of quality infrastructure:
The system comprising the organisations (public and private) together with the policies, relevant legal and regulatory framework, and practices needed to support and enhance the quality, safety and environmental soundness of goods, services and processes.
The quality infrastructure is required for the effective operation of domestic markets, and its international recognition is important to enable access to foreign markets. It is a critical element in promoting and sustaining economic development, as well as environmental and social wellbeing.
It relies on
- metrology,
- standardisation,
- accreditation,
- conformity assessment, and
- market surveillance.
More information can be found on the INetQI website: